KERA is a Parisian progressive death metal band set up in November 2014. The band’s main influences are Textures, Hypno5e, Dream Theater, Opeth, Meshuggah and Gojira.
In march 2015, KERA released a promotional EP (3 songs, 19 minutes) and a music video for the song « Architect of Chaos ». Then, the band toured across France for a dozen shows along with the most promising bands of the French metal scene (Beyond the Styx, Hypno5e, Elyose, GaidjinN, Monolyth, Corrosive Elements, Mantra, and so on).
This EP received a fairly good press coverage with 26 reviews of which half came from abroad. Of the 15 reviews that provided marks to KERA’s debut EP, the average mark was 15/20.
One year later, KERA welcomed a new singer and decided to release an extra song « Delusion » to show its evolution. « Delusion » sums up the main influences of the band in 5 intense and effective minutes. Kera’s line-up has then been stabilised with the arrival of a new bassist in October 2016.